Obama sucks
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Obama sucks
Obama had ben Laden killed right before the elections. That was a smart move! Another useful advice from Chicago:
‘.. .Show them the first grade sorcerer you are
Long as you keep'em way of balance
How can they spot you've got no talent?
Razzle dazzle'em
And they'll make you a star!'...
Imagine the entire nation celebrating the assassination of world terrorist #1. Will they praise their leader? Yes. Will they praise their military forces? Yes. Will they feel like they participated in the greatest mission on the planet, getting rid of the biggest evil - terrorism? Yes. If you were a President in a country of soft-hearted people and the achievements of your previous term were doubtful - would you get reelected after putting that kind of show? Oh, if you aren't sure of the right answer - go check what Americans did. Yes, you would get reelected. And that's exactly what Obama wanted.
Here is another question, a very tricky one - could they have killed Usama earlier? Did they know where he was? Looks like they did and kept that as a big secret, a sort of a dessert for the nation tired of wars, unclear strategies, banking crisis and terrorist attacks. Bravo!
I read the Esquire interview with the guy who supposedly killed Usama. It was clear that there was no hurry, enough time to train and a lot of information about the place, the relatives and guard and so on. The mission was well prepared by army and CIA, which only proves my point. Terrorists, tyranny, democracy, gay marriages - President Obama administration doesn't care for truth, values and all the other beautiful words. They play the cards they need, they have a lot in their sleeve and they will deal them one by one just when their interests dictate to do so.
PeterSmith- Nombre de messages : 43
Age : 58
Localisation : London
Date d'inscription : 07/02/2014
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